Travel Guide My Home In Aix en Provence Get to know My Home In Aix en Provence

Geography Aix-en-Provence

Aix-en-Provence is located between the massif of Sainte-Victoire to the east and the chain of the Trévaresse to the west right in the center of an immense bay raised by the rivers of the Arc and the Torso. It is located only 30 km from Marseille, 76 km from Toulon and 134 from Montpellier.

Spread over 18,564 hectares, Aix-en-Provence is the 11th largest municipality in France. However, it represents the character of a "tiny" city with the 140 000 Aixois who populate its cantons whose 40 000 are students, proportionately kept away from the hurricanes of major metropolises.

Aix-en-Provence is among other things less organized as far as the administrative is concerned. It does not have boroughs, but rather the cantons which are counted to the number of 3 encircling cities around. In these places, there are no districts "at risk" ...

It is possible to go anywhere and at any time even with safe children. The most popular villages are those in the city center around the Cours Mirabeau, where the atmosphere is always lively all the time even during the night. Mazarin and Saint-Sauveur shelters the most beautiful architectural treasures of Aix-en-Provence.

It is placed in 4th position of the largest municipality on the Bouches-du-Rhône side. Its region consists of 6,000 hectares of wooded area. Also, it encompasses neighborhoods that are in its vicinity such as Les Milles, Puyricard, Couteron, Les Granettes, Luynes and La Duranne, recently admitted into the decor.

Aix-en-Provence is among others located in an area where seismic activities are noticed at low or medium level. Like the northern municipalities of Bouches-du-Rhône, it presents less risk. In 1909, the city recorded quite significant damage.
