Travel Guide My Home In Aix en Provence Get to know My Home In Aix en Provence

Useful numbers

Do you plan to travel to Aix-en-Provence for your next holiday? We have listed for you all the useful numbers when needed.

For any troubles related to thefts, attacks or fires, please send your complaint immediately to the following contacts:

Police Headquarters : 04 42 93 97 00.

Emergency Services : 17 (emergency).

Police Station : 04 42 26 31 96.

Municipal police: 04 42 91 91 11.

General Hospital : 04 42 33 50 00.

Firefighters: 04 42 99 18 18.

If you or any of your family members are subject to health problems, immediately call the numbers below:

Emergencies : 18

Emergency Assistance : 15.

If you encounter problems related to punctures while driving, we invite you to inform the repair service:

GDF repairing : 0 810 433 113.

EDF repairing : 0 810 333 113.

Having in your possession the numbers of late - night services  is so important when you are on vacation. Here are the addresses to contact:

Free legal advice at the Palais Verdun: 04 42 21 72 49, open from Tuesday and Friday from 9 am to noon, Wednesday from 1:45 pm to 3:45 pm.

SOS Physicians: 04 42 26 24 00. (24 hrs)

Dental surgeons: 0892 566 766

Emergencies 15 (24 hrs)

Medical Service On Call: 04 42 20 33 33 (9/22 hours).

SOS Veterinarians: 04 42 59 90 62

District Nurses on call : 06 24 41 79 11 or 06 18 63 09 71

Here are various numbers that will certainly help you:

Radio Taxis Aixois: +33 4 42 27 71 11

Radio Taxis Mirabeau: 04 42 21 61 61

Children of Tomorrow Association : 04 42 27 56 36.

SOS Friendship: 04 42 38 20 20 (24 hours a day).

The Red Cross Committee : 04 42 26 25 11. Permanence every day (from 9 to 12 hours).

Ambulatory Health Spa in alcohology (C.C.A.A.): support and alcoholic accompaniment for the patient and those close to him/ her. Hôpital Pasteur 04 42 33 50 66.

If you would like to join support groups, here are some contacts of the existing associations in Aix-en-Provence:

Alcoholics Anonymous (24 hours a day), 04 42 38 26 60 - 04 42 38 05 83.

Croix-Bleue: 04 42 80 62 88 Permanence every day (from 17 to 19 hours).

League against Cancer: 04 42 38 98 99.

Reception -cancer 04 42 38 96 00.

Federation for the care of drug addicts: 04 42 16 18 35.

Drugs info: 08 00 23 13 13 (24 hrs).

AIDS Screening:

General Hospital, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday (8:30 am to 12:30 pm) and Thursday (1 pm to 2 pm), 04 42 33 51 36.

Free and anonymous screening Center (DAV - CIDAG), prophylaxis department, 04 42 20 13 89.

AIDS info: 08 00 36 66 36 (24 hrs). - Aides Provence, association for the fight against AIDS, Maison de la Solidarité 04 42 21 51 51.

Childhood and Sharing: 08 00 05 12 34 (free call).

AFTC: 04 42 17 97 60, association of families of head trauma).

Stop Violence Women: 04 42 99 09 86.

Contraception-IVG: Information-orientation, 0800 105 105. Town hall Aix'press: road, small works, cleanliness, signaling ... 08 10 11 30 00.

If you have any technical concerns, please contact the following numbers:

Cleaning service: 04 42 91 92 41.

Center for Waste sorting of the Parade: 04 42 38 73 97.

Water service: Week 04 42 91 98 33. Night, weekend, public holidays: 04 42 91 92 19.

Weather forecast: 08 36 68 02 13.
